Friday, February 23, 2018

The Sumerian Healing Stone - Lapis Lazuli

Taken from HERE

  "The deities of this ancient world were deemed to have a real passion for lapis lazuli. Specially the terrifying goddess Inanna. She was also known as Ishtar, goddess of fertility, of agriculture and also sexual love. Her power was demonstrated in terrible rages and also war. She was also greedy for the good things of life. Her partner was the gentler god Dumuzi, the shepard god, responsible for pastoral life, hence economic prosperity."
- Taken from HERE! This refers to the god Astoroth.. 
   "Lapis lazuli legends are among the oldest in the world. The myth of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of love, and her descent and return from the underworld may date from as early as 4000 BCE. Inanna entered the underworld bearing the insignias of her rank, including a lapis lazuli necklace and rod. “In ancient Sumer,” writes Scott Cunningham in his Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic, “lapis lazuli has timeless associations” with royalty and deities. The stone was said to contain “the soul of the deity, who would ‘rejoice in its owner.’”
In ancient Egypt, pharaohs favored lapis lazuli, and judges wore emblems of Maat, the goddess of truth, made from the stone."
- Taken from HERE!
- A good link on Astoroth
A Lapis Lazuli Sumerian Seal

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